A sustainable identity

LOCATION - MrBio Via Lignano

Where my heart beats, where you can breathe nature and listen to the sound of the sea, I created my temple. A unique place, designed to hold my concept of organic.

Four buildings mirror each other, reflect the light and welcome you. A place where you can feel at home, without barriers, free, for everyone. Majestic observer of the life around it, respectful of nature.

My soul, my wines, my values. Revealed through the search for colors and the choice of materials. Designed to share a vision. Planned to make you fly high. Built to savor the future.

The Square

We are what we choose to show and I wanted a timeless place, an image of my being beyond appearances.
We are the guardians of the future, creators of experiences and bearers of emotions. We live and act in our time, protagonists of change.

Wine Shop

I thought of an organic and eco-sustainable world, where we talk about us and where horizons are broadened.

Here you can find my wines, my flavors, my organic choices. I welcome you to my sustainability project so that you can understand which direction I've decided to go.

This is my goal: to accompany you in the discovery of what will become a habit for you.

Wine Bar

I have created a place suitable for curious people, like me; for those who want to take a break, to rest but are always looking for new experiences.

Every day I select the best products to be mixed and tasted. Wines from all over the world and gastronomic proposals in the name of organic.

An unmissable opportunity to taste rare wines, produced in distant but close regions in order to bring viticulture and enology back to a human scale, with a more sustainable approach.

Meeting Tasting Room

The place where ideas are born and show themselves for what they are, free to be.

The place for teaching and knowledge: through comparative tastings you can be guided to discover the natural interpretation of the terroir, from the attention to the grapes, their growth to their processing in the cellar.

Interaction and comparison are the engine that stimulates the growth of my project: we live the present and we plan the future.

The Barrel Cellar

I show you the facets of my soul, my deepest inner being.

The story told through the sacredness of wood, which silently accompanies you to discover the essences that make up my products.

Designed to lose you over time and through perfumes connect you to your origins, what keeps you alive today.

Affitto sala degustazioni

Vogliamo offrire a tutti la possibilità di sfruttare lo spazio della nostra sala meeting-degustazioni: per riunioni, degustazioni, conferenze (anche da remoto) e qualsiasi altra attività si presti ad accogliere.

    Collegamenti continui con il territorio, con percorsi via terra e via acqua, pannelli che grazie all'energia del sole mantengono vivo tutto questo e, in futuro, ricariche rapide per le auto elettriche.

    “Ogni angolo, ogni dettaglio, portano con sé quanto più di naturale può celarsi dietro l’evoluzione. Spazi studiati per essere osservati e vissuti, nel pieno rispetto del mondo attorno a noi.”